Do not dump items off when the recycling center is closed. It is considered illegal dumping and violators will be prosecuted.
Recycling Center HOW TO Videos 
Please note that the videos were filmed in 2021. Although they provide a general overview of the Center and what we collect, the list of acceptable material has changed, as well as pricing. For a complete list of acceptable materials and pricing information, click here
Welcome to the Recycling Center: A brief introduction to the Westmoreland Cleanways Recycling Center, explaining what materials are collected and why.
Recycling Center Tour: Dropping material off at the Recycling Center? Review the process and find out what to expect when visiting.
How to Recycle Electronics at the Center: Learn about the Westmoreland Cleanways electronics collection program and find out the details about the Pennsylvania’s electronics recycling law.
How to Recycle Foam at the Center: An introduction to Cleanways’ new foam recycling collection program and how it works including acceptable/not acceptable material and how to prepare the material.
(videos were funded through The Richard King Mellon Foundation awarded a grant to Keep Pennsylvania Beautiful in 2021 to create some unique recycling education videos with its Western Pennsylvania affiliates.