Westmoreland Cleanways and Recycling would like to encourage everyone to give a gift to Mother Nature this holiday season, by recycling your live Christmas tree. Instead of landfilling your live tree, tree-cycle it! During the month of January, fourteen drop off sites throughout Westmoreland County will collect real Christmas trees for recycling. The trees will be chipped into mulch and used to beautify community parks, eventually decomposing into valuable humus to nourish and renew the … [Read more...]
Accepting Christmas String Lights for Recycling
Everyone deserves to be warm this winter... Westmoreland Cleanways has joined forces with Michael Brothers to collect string lights for recycling. Drop off, broken, unwanted Christmas string light at the Recycling Center during our open hours. Michael Brothers will then collect the lights from us, recycle them, and donate the proceeds from the recycling to Project Bundle-Up. Project Bundel-Up is a joint community service effort between The Salvation Army and WTAE-TV Channel 4, in which … [Read more...]
Spring 2024 Newsletter
Our Spring 2024 Newsletter is now available. Westmoreland Cleanways members and those who have signed up for our mailing list should be receiving this either in the mail or as an email through Mail Chimp (an email platform). For those of you who aren't on either of those lists, never fear, you can also read it here on the website. … [Read more...]
Spring Cleanup Season is here
In my position here at Westmoreland Cleanways, I drive around the county A LOT, presenting educational programs to preschoolers, school age students, youth groups and adult groups. All of this driving gives me an opportunity to really see the state of our roads, and truthfully I'm embarrassed by the amount of trash I see while driving. Spring is the perfect time to rectify this situation, before the vegetation grows too high and hides the litter. Be it making a conscience effort to pick up … [Read more...]
The Recycling Center How to Videos
Do not dump items off when the recycling center is closed. It is considered illegal dumping and violators will be prosecuted. Recycling Center HOW TO Videos Please note that the videos were filmed in 2021. Although they provide a general overview of the Center and what we collect, the list of acceptable material has changed, as well as pricing. For a complete list of acceptable materials and pricing information, click here Welcome to the Recycling Center: A brief introduction to … [Read more...]
Foam Recycling
Westmoreland Cleanways is one of the few places in Western Pennsylvania that accepts Expanded Polystyrene #6 Foam (EPS Foam) for recycling. Better known as Styrofoam, it is a form of plastic that is recyclable. However, in most cases it is not cost effective to do so, and so instead is landfilled. Infact there are no local curbside recycling programs that accept foam. The challenge in recycling the material is due to the fact that is both bulky while also light weight. The amount of EPS … [Read more...]
Now Accepting Plastic Bags and Wrap!
Regular visitors to the center may have noticed some of the shelving in the center have been rearranged and a second baler has been installed. This new baler will be used for plastic bags and wrap. The baled material will be shipped to Trex to become composite lumber. Westmoreland Cleanways will accept only CLEAN, DRY plastic bags and wrap, free of receipts, food, and organic residue. Click the link provided for a printer friendly flier, Bags and Wrap Recycling ACCEPTABLE Material … [Read more...]
Plastic Recycling is HERE!
Update (April 2023): We are GETTING items in our plastic collection bins that are UNACCEPTABLE! If you are unsure IF we accept a specific item please ask our employees for clarification BEFORE YOU PLACE IT IN OUR COLLECTION BINS. If we continue to get these “UN ACCEPTED ITEMS” placed in our plastic collection bins, we may be forced to dis-continue our plastics collection. Thank-you! Forget everything Westmoreland Cleanways has ever said about which plastics are locally … [Read more...]
Bi-Monthly Household Hazardous Waste Collection
Holiday Closure: Wednesday January 1, 2025. In January there will only be 1 collection day, on Wed. Jan. 15, 2025. Noble Environmental is on site the 1st and the 3rd WEDNESDAY of each month, from 8am-1pm (regular operating hours) collecting household hazardous waste at a cost of $.80/pound (credit/debit cards only). ** Recycling Center employees are not legally permitted to handle Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) and material cannot be stored on site. HHW is ONLY accepted on the … [Read more...]
Three Electronics Recycling Options
In January 2013, The Pennsylvania Covered Devices Recycling Act (CDRA) went into effect. This Act prohibits covered devices (televisions, computers, computer monitors, and computer peripherals) from being landfilled. As of 2013, garbage haulers are no longer allowed to pick up these items in their garbage trucks. Instead, PA residents must recycle these covered devices. Three easy ways to do so are: 1. Westmoreland Cleanways Recycling Center Westmoreland Cleanways Recycling Center … [Read more...]